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Proyectos KA2

Cooperación entre organizaciones e instituciones


Cooperación para la innovación e intercambio de buenas prácticas. 

Asociaciones estratégicas en el ámbito de la educación, la formación y la juventud.

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The OSCAR project addresses the pressing issue of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), specifically targeting the low collection rates of small electronic devices like mobile phones and tablets, which are often not returned to collection points. 


The SEED project aims to provide primary school teachers with the most appropriate resources to improve the mental health of primary school pupils through the use of modern and specific activities and practices of Emotional Education and Emotional Intelligence, which are also linked to the European "LifeComp" framework.

Our aim is to offer young people access to up-to-date information and support to make informed decisions about their future. From personalised profile tests to up-to-date information resources, our platform will provide them with the tools they need to thrive in their career. In addition, we will train educators with specialised courses to ensure they can effectively pass on the skills needed for the future of work to the next generation, ensuring a lasting impact on their professional development and preparation for an ever-changing job market.

Escape depopulation and foster cultural heritage through active tourism

This project is intended to respond to the need to raise awareness of the increasingly worrying environmental situation. This will be done through the creation of innovative educational tools, thanks to which youth workers will be able to work with young people on these issues.

The main idea of the project is to create escape rooms to promote the cultural heritage, promote active tourism and the local economy in order to avoid depopulation, by empowering young people to take initiative and to promote their own community and its history and local culture.

The project aims to develop cooperation between the community, school, teachers and students through the use of advanced information technology tools, to create new developments around the world as the limitations brought by the pandemic have shown us of COVID-19 and the need to improve teachers' knowledge in the use of technology in instruction because they will need it at such times.

The main idea of this strategic project in Covid19 context and taking into

account the creativity aspect in a non formal environment is to design a

multifunctional and interdisciplinary tool to be used in youth work by

practitioners (i.e. youth workers, trainers, facilitators) at the European level.

The project wants to create an instrument to improve the participation of all young people in ESC projects in an informed and safe way, facilitating the prior preparation of volunteers for ESC projects, helping them in the integration of the project community (town/city- neighborhood)

In Vino Expertise wants to support the training of unemployed adults in the field of wine tourism in specially equipped areas with wine tourism resources and using a transnational approach in dealing with the cultural heritage of European product such as wine.

The main goal of this project is to create a long lasting network including important actors of the educational system, in order to share experiences and best practices and innovative educational methodology, in working with different targets groups (children, youth, adults) blending formal and non-formal methods.

Find your way out of digital addiction labyrinth 

The aim of this project is to prepare tools for educators and creators of educational programs from countries of the project participants who are able to deal with the activation and education of people over 60 in an attractive

and effective way.

Find your way out the technological addiction labyrinth – TECHBYRINTH is a project aimed to raise awareness about the risk of technological and online addictions and to provide viable solutions and advice related to digital competences for youth and youth workers.

Stop child abuse ThrOugh effective training and augmented reality

"STOP child abuse" is a Strategic Partnership for an innovation project in the field of Youth funded by the Erasmus+ program. Entities from Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Italy, and Spain will work for 26 months to provide effective tools the EU Youth

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Supporting Elderly Needs Is Our Responsability 

The main idea of the project is to design a simple 3-step process to help health and social service providers easing their work and empower seniors to become active citizens at the same time. The process will have the following main steps: understand the needs of the target group,  upskill the trainers and train the professionals.

The Airbag of Erasmus+

Citizen's inclusion prospects improved by volunteering

The Airbag of Erasmus+ is a Strategic Partnership for Innovation in the field of Youth, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. A mobile APP will be created among 5 European entities of 4 different countries, very active in mobility projects. 

The project has started in March 2020 and will last until October 2021. During the AIRBAG+ lifespan, transnational meetings of partners, multiplier events and dissemination activities will take please, while designing and testing the Intellectual Output, that is the mobile App of AIRBAG+

Erasmus+ project created by 6 organizations experienced on the management of volunteering programs. Yes Volunteering, volunteering for social inclusion.

The referee of volunteering

«El árbitro del voluntariado» tiene como objetivo crear una herramienta fiable con toda la información sobre los problemas diarios que un voluntario podría tener durante su estadía en un país extranjero. Por extensión, es un instrumento que recopilaría todas las respuestas o soluciones a tantas preguntas y dudas que generalmente se solicita a un tutor de voluntarios para que resuelvan y con las que las guías oficiales no ayudan. El proyecto también tiende a reemplazar todos aquellos foros y blogs informales que pretenden deshacerse de la guía oficial, especialmente en una época en que el servicio voluntario se está convirtiendo en algo generalizado, el Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

"The Learning Age" project is meant to create educational  intergenerational tools which involve seniors, young adults and educators since the designing and development of such tools. More specifically, a platform with intergenerational good practices, and a forum will be created, and a channel with videoclips and tutorial whose protagonists are seniors.

Centro Civico Integrado Isabel la Católica

C/ Juán de Álamos S/N

47400 Medina del Campo ( Valladolid ) Spain


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